Jennie DiLemmo

Welcome to my blog! I want to share information and experiences that I am having while fighting cancer. Not only do I want my supporters to have updates from me, but I want to make this therapeutic for myself. I'm insistent on being positive during my journey to health, but there are obstacles and moments of sadness. I will be raw and extremely truthful; expect the good, bad, and ugly!
Feel free to comment on anything. Perhaps we will all learn new things, including me, while climbing up the positivity ladder to health!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Anger at Levaquin

This is an anger infused posting.  I am prescribed Levaquin for day 7 to 14  after a chemo-treatment when the white blood cell count is low - it is supposed to help me fight any type of bacterial infection.  I had issues with it after the first chemo-treatment when it caused a lot of pain under my right rib.  Luckily since the white blood cell count was high I was able to stop the treatment.  I did have to take the drug again on Sunday and ended up with even more pain than the first go around - I had to take Percocet to help with the pain.  There is no way I should be taking an antibiotic that produces such side effects that Percocet is necessary.  I was awake every hour last night and ended up taking the Perc at 3AM.  I was so stinking frustrated and angry with that drug last night that I called the docs office and completely refused to take Levaquin anymore.  I now have another fluoroquinolone, Cipro, to take, but instead of only 1x a day I have to take the Cipro 2x.  The complication with this is that it is a metal chelator (metal binder) so I have to take it 2 hours before my MgO or 6 hours after twice a day.  URGH!  Hopefully, I won't have the same side effects!  I'm hoping for a great white blood cell count again on Thursday so I can get off the antibiotic!

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