Jennie DiLemmo

Welcome to my blog! I want to share information and experiences that I am having while fighting cancer. Not only do I want my supporters to have updates from me, but I want to make this therapeutic for myself. I'm insistent on being positive during my journey to health, but there are obstacles and moments of sadness. I will be raw and extremely truthful; expect the good, bad, and ugly!
Feel free to comment on anything. Perhaps we will all learn new things, including me, while climbing up the positivity ladder to health!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Experience from 1st Chemotherapy Treatment

Frankly, I was scarred of starting chemo, but really felt that the treatments needed to start immediately.  It was a few days prior that I really felt my body was not doing well.  It is one thing to experience pain, but another when you feel things are getting worse.
What you see on TV with regards to cancer and the treatment is not accurate at all - or at least what I've seen.  Most of the treatment time is spent getting drugs to help you with side effects.  I ended up getting a steroid, anti-nausea meds, and another med to protect from what I think was bladder problems.  All of those drugs were given before the 3 different chemo drugs and then a few followed up after.
I am very aware of my body in general and I certainly felt the drugs working in those key areas.  For instance, I ended up dealing with my left eye twitching during the chemo drugs since the tumor in the cheekbone causes issues with the nearby nerves.  By the way, the nurse said that some patients really do experience and feel the medications working in the tumor sites. 
I felt a little nauseous after the treatment, but nothing too bad.  I took one of the pills prescribed that was for sleep, nausea, and anxiety before bed just to be on the safe side.  I still felt the medications working even in my stomach.  Honestly it was the first night of continuous sleep that I had in a really long time!
I felt better than I had in quite a while the days after treatment.  I didn't really have any side-effects and I'm not really sure if I had the major side-effect of fatigue.  I ended up sleeping a lot! However, after having a 4 month old baby and writhing in pain almost every night for a few months, I might have been just catching up!  I still have pain in the tumor areas, but it feels different than before.  I am convinced that the pain is due to the tumors decreasing in size and going away.  I do believe that the sizes of them have already decreased - even if this is not entirely accurate it is a good thought process in positivity.   
I did have a few bad days in terms of my emotions - I've been told that I'm entitled to have those moments, but I just need to get back to a positive fight.  It also doesn't help that both my boys have colds and it's extremely dangerous for me to be near illnesses as my white blood count is decreasing.  I've spend most of the days in my bedroom away from the colds and I hate not spending time with my guys!  I do see them a little at night, but hugs, kisses, and close contact is out.  I'm currently on an antibiotic to prevent any bacterial infections.  This is normal procedure not because the boys are sick.
I see the doctor on Thursday and we will check the blood to see if we can start with cycle B of treatment on the 15th.  That cycle scares me - I'll share my thoughts on that in a different post! 

1 comment:

  1. Uncle Tom, Aunt Stephanie, Trevor, and JuliaAugust 9, 2011 at 3:32 PM

    I want to thank you for sharing all your experiences. (and it's so good to hear about all your "boys"). I admire your positivity. Your strength is uplifting and contagious. I could never create a website, as such. You are very talented.
    I believe there will be good days and not so good, but attitude is key.
    You, Michael, Braeden and Colton are ongoing in our prayers. We love you and keep the strength.
