Jennie DiLemmo

Welcome to my blog! I want to share information and experiences that I am having while fighting cancer. Not only do I want my supporters to have updates from me, but I want to make this therapeutic for myself. I'm insistent on being positive during my journey to health, but there are obstacles and moments of sadness. I will be raw and extremely truthful; expect the good, bad, and ugly!
Feel free to comment on anything. Perhaps we will all learn new things, including me, while climbing up the positivity ladder to health!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Thursday Doctor's Appointment

I'm getting behind the ball here with posting - I ended up resting a lot this week.  I'm not sure if it's necessary or laziness at this point.  It takes quite a while after the 5 day treatment to feel decent.  The good news is that I had another Thursday doctor's appointment and my values look good again!  I was able to get off the antibiotic due to good values and I'm set for the next chemo treatment on Monday.  The doc wasn't as amazed as the first time, but remember after the 5 day treatment I only had 6 days to get values back to normal.  After the first treatment, which is only 1 day, I have 10 days for my values to build up again.  Those extra days at home make a big difference from an energetic stand-point - I'm not happy about having to go through treatment so fast after the intense 5 day treatment, but I need health and success! 
Technically Monday starts cycle 2.  Cycle 1 is to prevent spreading and growth.  Cycle 2 is to make the tumors smaller.  Fingers crossed for a much better waist line and improved cheekbone size!  I don't really have vanity issues, but if the reduction in size means health I'm totally wanting it! 

1 comment:

  1. You go girl. It's so good to hear that you are moving on to the next cycle. You did a great job on the first. We want you to know that you are very much in our dinner conversations and prayers. Thank you for your work in providing us the blog. By the way, you are a gifted writer. Stay strong.
    Uncle Tom, Aunt Stephanie, Trevor, and Julia
